International Symposium on
Drylands Ecology and Human Security


Our Vision


For further information about any details concerning ISDEHS 2006, please contact Please contact us! :-)us at:


Organizing Committee

ISDEHS is not only a new platform, but also an experiment to apply a new approach based on voluntarism, participation and virtual teaming to the world of science around the Gulf. In fact only three people out of this team actually knew each other previously and everybody else will meet for the first time in Dubai. The power of the Internet is still a widely unexplored method to allow colleagues from all over the world to act together to achieve a common cause. It is fast, cheap and efficient and can be used across political, cultural and socio-economical borders.

NDRD would like to say thanks once again to all our team members, since only as a result of their relentless efforts ISDEHS was made possible.

ISDEHS 2006 Co-Chairs
Andy Spiess (Germany)
Zamir Libohova (United States)

Executive Director
Thomas L. Kraft (Brazil)

ISDEHS 2007 Pre Conference Chair
Hans-Jörg-Barth (Germany)

ISDEHS Intercultural Dialogue Chair
Yahya Hassan Bajwa (Switzerland)


Local Organization:
Mohammed Ziad Al Kawadri (Syria)


MENA Organization: (except GCC)
Ali Chafai Elalaoui (Morocco)


Iran Organization:
Mohammad Chizari (Iran)



Our Team:

  • Christina Hakopian (Armenia)
    Trahel Vardanian (Armenia)
  • Winfried E. H. Blum (Austria)
  • David Gallacher (Australia)
  • Michel Tchotsoua (Cameroon)
  • Kwadwo Appiagyei-Atua (Ghana)
  • Teimuraz Davitashvili (Georgia)
  • Armin Rieser (Germany)
    Jörg Steinbach (Germany)
    Martin Kappas (Germany)
    Peter Speth (Germany)
    Rupert Bäumler (Germany)
  • Rajamani Raman (India)
    K. Kanaga Sabapathi (India)
    G. Kuppusamy (India)
  • Ezatollah Karami (Iran)
    Saied Eslamian (Iran)
  • Mohan C. Saxena (Japan)
  • Bahija Chaarani (Morocco)
  • Amin Al-Amin (Nigeria)
    Israel I. Ogunlade (Nigeria)
    Elijah A. Obayelu (Nigeria)
  • Haakon Flottland (Norway)
  • Farooq Ahmad (Pakistan)
  • Andrew Barczuk
    Anna Dluzewska (Poland)
  • Inom Normatov (Tajikistan)
  • Fahmi Ben-Abdelkader (Tunisia)
  • Abdulmajeed S. Al-Khajah (UAE)
    Mohamed (Anonymous) (UAE)
  • Andrew S. Goudie (UK)
    David Thomas (UK)
  • Abu Muhammad Shajaat Ali (US)
    Jerry Kolo (US)
    Rainer Bussmann (US)
  • Alladeen  Al-Sharjabi (Yemen)
    Arif Al-Hammadi (Yemen)



Appeals for  Trust, Tolerance, Dialogue and Peace


"A human being is a part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feeling as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.”

                          Albert Einstein



كَانَ النَّاسُ أُمَّةً وَاحِدَةً

Mankind were one community”

Holy Qur'an (2:213)

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